A challenge that often occurs in a campus ministry like ours is the transition from college life to family life. Many of members like myself, started in the ministry as a college student. After getting married and having kids there are many different challenges that draw your attention away from the core focus of our ministry which is “Campus ministry”. This is not necessarily a bad thing. It is a sign of a healthy and growing ministry that is in the process of maturing. Meeting the spiritual needs of young married families with kids can be a challenge for a ministry who’s primary focus is campus ministry. On the other hand it can also be a great asset. College students can benefit from the wisdom of the young and old couples who have gone ahead of them. College students can see a vision from their future and learn to appreciate and support these young families as babysitters, Bible teachers and youth leaders for their children.

For more on this check out this insightful article by Jennifer Johnson entitled – “Is My Ministry Over Once I Have Kids?

– Toledo UBF Member