Campus ministry is undoubtedly one of the critical components to raising leaders for future generations. Many cultural changes have their root in the educational system where young fresh minds are open to being influenced as they seek to make significant life choices such as vocation, lifestyle, relationship and spiritual beliefs. The current generation of college students is the largest since the Baby Boom, but the lowest percentage to grow up in church. Approximately 80% of college students have never had significant Church experience. What a great opportunity to influence and change the culture of future generations.
The enemy (Satan) knows this well. It is also why campuses are a target for moral corruption and spiritual corruption. Campus ministry is not for the faint of heart. It is at the very front line of spiritual warfare. Likewise most college students are not at a financial position in life to sustain a traditional church type ministry with physical buildings or a pastors salary to support.
Despite, the challenges, the rewards of campus ministry can be far reaching as young students are molded into spiritual leaders for the next generation.
If God is calling you to campus ministry check out this resource from Campus Ministry Today.
Tips for Starting a College Ministry
by Paul Worcester
– Toledo UBF Menber